I finally got my new filter and a sunny day. It had been raining for days. I can see I have some things to learn with it like the best time to use it, but it makes a huge difference in clouds and some other shots. I should have taken some with and without so I could see exactly what the difference was but of course didn't think about that until after I was home.
The clouds were very impressive yesterday anyway but with the filter it really shows how I saw them. It does seem to darken the entire picture though and I will need to figure that out better.
We were on another bike ride so these are of the trail through the woods.
Next just some more cloud shots. I really like the clouds we had yesterday.
The next picture I got a kick out of because I never noticed the golfer in the picture until I enlarged it. Can you see him taking his swing?
Next a couple of shots I liked. This mushroom was growing out of the side of a tree and was at least 12 inches if not bigger around. Not your usual shelf mushrooms.
Check out the ripples in the water, cool, and you can see the water running off of the goose.
Now probably using the filter in the woods was a mistake as the colors did not look like this, however, I like the way it gives the woods a cool dark look so to me it works.
The river looks cool, it was pretty anyway yesterday, very sparkly and the pictures turned out pretty nice.
My favorite
I also invested in Photoshop element 7. It reminds me so much of the program I lost. I really like a program like this for fixing old family photos. I took all my photo albums and pictures of us as children and repaired any bent corners and tears and then downloaded them on cd's. For a small fee I did my friends and families old pictures and had gotten pretty good at it. All I did was repair, not alter the pictures. So I am glad to have this new program. I need to practice but check out how I got rid of the lines. Thanks all for recommending it.
I wanted this picture of the clouds with the rays coming out but couldn't get away from the wires. Then I decided it would be a good shot to practice with so I took it and practiced.
Not perfect but lots better and I will keep working on it.
As usual I have taken lots of pictures. I am a picture taker but I will just show one more.
Wanta going shooting? What fun and great pictures :).
Wow these are gorgeous! Loved them!
Glad you finally got the polarizer!! It is a great filter for just about any outside shot. It does take a bit of getting used to before you can unlock all of its ability. Keep in mind that it will act like a 2 stop ND filter reducing the amount of light entering the camera. Depending on your metering setup, you might have to adjust the exposure a bit to brighten the image. Keep in mind that this filter is completely adjustable, by rotating the outer element. You can go from no polarization to full polarization and everything inbetween.
You sky shots are wonderful, and perfectly exposed for the sky. I think the problem you are running into with the lower part looking kind of dark, is because you are shooting towards the middle of the day. The light is much harsher, and the shadows are much darker. If you shoot earlier in the day, or later in the evening, you will find the actual landscape will brighten up a good bit. I will be doing a tips and tricks on this in about a week.
When shooting in the woods, as in the other pictures, you will find better lighting on cloudy days around the middle of the day. The clouds will diffuse the light and soften it up a good bit. The shadows will be nearly nonexistant, allowing the color to show in the picture.
oh, your photos are beautiful!
You did great. I love them. I have never tried any filters. I see Greg gave you some good advice. Helen
I wish I knew how to use filters...and lots more. You make me want to be a better photographer!! lol
I especially like the 3 shot.
what beautiful scenery!!! you did a great job. i loved em all.
Just wanted to let you know that I decided to do a special installment tips and tricks on this topic. Hopefully, you will find some interesting information about this really cool filter.
I am in total awe of the pics in theis entry. :)
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