Your Monday Photo Shoot: Take a photo that shows you with your camera. A mirror or other reflective surface would probably help here.
Also, tell us a little about your camera, and how you use it. (This isn't a sneaky marketing survey, incidentally.)
Joe is doing the photo shoot since John is on vacation.
Here is my picture. I was taking a picture of a underground room at Con Ag in Omaha. It didn't turn out like I expected. This is at their world headquarters. Very fancy and lots of money spent on the grounds. I use a Soni Cyper shot DSC-H1. 12 times zoom, nice macro features and in my budget. I am still learning how to get the most out of the camera.
Wow...very cool!
That was a cool idea and very cool pic!
Hi -- just wanted to let you know we're linking to this entry from the Blogs main page ( -- towards the bottom). Thanks for playing. -- Joe, Journals Editor
Ooh, I like that a lot, especially the orange mosaic shadow. - Karen
Very creative!
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