I seem to do pretty good with the close ups of flowers and things. I like the macro on this camera. Some of these are really nice I think. Some need work. The cone flower below is nice but bright. That is why I need to learn how to control my light and brightness.
I don't know what kind of flower this is below, I thought just a weed but it is lovely. Also I didn't realize it had the 2 grasshoppers on it until I downloaded it. Cool.
The dragonfly is blurry but I thought it was interesting to note they are mating. I didn't know there were 2 of them until I looked at the picture.
Outstanding, honey! I love your subjects! Wow, mating dragonflys, awesome! I'm putting you on alerts. I love photo journals =)!! Keep up the good work, honey! xox
I really like the subjects that you have chosen to photograph. I'm like you, half the time I don't know what the name of the flower is...or if it's a weed. Either way, if it captures your interest shoot it! As far as you controlling the light, I think your exposure is just fine in these shots. There are some blown out portions, but that is due to the sun, and nothing that you did. I think you would have better luck on a cloudy day when the sun is high in the sky. The clouds will diffuse the light and give you a nice even illumination with no highlights. The added benefit is the detail that was in the shadows will come out. You have a great camera in the H1, and one that I have recommended several times. Sony has some great imaging technology...just ask Nikon, they use Sony sensors in a large number of their cameras.
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